Saturday, April 11, 2009

Deep Thought #2

I've decided my thoughts are like the wind. Everytime I think I have something deep, it slips through my fingers. I guess that means bottling my thoughts is like trying to bottle the wind... And well, everyone knows how that goes.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Deep Thought #1

I've decided that deep thoughts are like strawberries. One needs to only trouble themselves enough to bend over, grab the bright red fruit from underneath the leaves that have been hiding it and pop it in their mouth. But, for the record, I prefer raspberries. Which makes me wonder, why can't deep thoughts be like raspberries...?

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Another blog? No, seriously...

Yeah, yeah. Why in the world would Loryn need two blogs? Well, this is the reason. This is where my 'deep' thoughts (yeah, note the little quotations) that are at the top of my other blog are going to be going just so I don't lose them. I used to keep them in a little book BUT, I learned the hard way that it probably isn't the best place... :)
And so, thoughts by me. Enjoy! (These will all be short, sweet, and to the point.)